gretch the wretch. remember her. the governor who's husband tried to break the rules during the pandemic and tried to intimidate the police by insisting his wife was the governor? gretch the wretch just got more wretched. gabe whisnant ('newsweek') reports:
Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan said she was "grateful" to speak
with President Donald Trump on Thursday for a "productive meeting" that
included discussions about jobs and tariffs.
taking office for his second administration, Trump has pursued an
arguably chaotic economic policy, which is reflected by the steep drop
in the stock market in recent weeks: The Dow Jones Industrial Average,
which was $44,873 at the start of February, had fallen to $40,813 by the
close of business on Thursday.
corruption queen wants to be president, if you didn't know. what's
hilarious is that she wants to run as a democrat. she's as big a
backstabber as chuck schumer. if you missed it, hold-the-line dems
didn't hold the line on the budget. chuck went along with chump. chuck
and chump got into bed together. don't know who brought the lube but
it was the american people who got screwed.
accountability from chuck. on the topic of the lack of accountability,
chump and his mercenaries who carried out treason in order to destroy
our country. those pardons of the january 6th traitors. an oopsie in
the road.
said on Thursday that she wants answers about the "extraordinary" broad
pardon that the Trump administration is now offering January 6 rioters.
was told three weeks ago that Kentucky electrician Dan Wilson was
pardoned for any crimes he committed at the Capitol on January 6, 2021
but he was not pardoned for illegally storing guns at his home.
was jailed for five years after a court heard that he was a member of
the Gray Ghosts Partisan Rangers militia group and had plotted an attack
on the Capitol with other militias for weeks before the January 6 riot.
U.S. Attorney's office in Washington, D.C. announced on March 11 that
it has "received further clarity" that Trump had intended to pardon
Wilson for the gun possession charge also.
On March 12, Friedrich demanded answers in her court, Politico reported.
U.S. Attorney Jennifer Blackwell told Friedrich that Trump has expanded
his definition of the pardon to include crime not directly related to
January 6 and, in recent days, the Justice Department has dropped
federal charges against Jan. 6 defendants for crimes unrelated to the
attack on the Capitol.
This includes Jeremy
Brown, who was serving a seven-year prison term in Florida for
possessing grenades and classified information; Elias Costianes, who was
serving a two-year sentence for possessing illegal guns and drugs; and
Daniel Ball, who was facing firearms charges in Florida.
three men were charged as a result of raids on their homes by FBI
officers investigating the January 6 attacks and are therefore now
pardoned for those crimes also. Friedrich said the sudden broad
interpretation of Trump's pardon was "just extraordinary."
can't be the case that a pardon can be issued in vague terms and months
later, the president can make a determination of what it means,"
Friedrich said. "It's not my job to craft the pardon language."
She said the Justice Department could clarify Trump's pardon by 5 p.m. on March 14 and she would later issue an opinion.
court may refuse to accept the Wilson pardon if it is not properly
clarified, which would have ramifications for the other defendants
indicted for crimes unrelated to January 6.
let's close with c.i.'s 'The Snapshot:'
Friday, March 14, 2025. We're putting MSNBC on pause, Chump continues
his war on education, propaganda is not news coverage, and much more.
starting with that CNN video for a number of reasons. First the
reaction -- negative reaction -- to US House Rep Chuck Edwards is news.
This is happening around the country and it is news.
Second, it's CNN.
O'Donnell was off last night and won't be back until two Mondays from
now. Had he been on last night, we would have highlighted him if he'd
covered the above but we would have most likely highlighted him on
You're not going to find MSNBC in today's snapshot. You won't find it later in the day up here.
Maybe back on Monday.
The community shapes this site and always has.
Too many of you are furious with MSNBC right now. I get it. I really do and we'll go into that in a moment.
pm EST is the last time we noted them. If I'd known the objection when
I was queuing up videos before the roundtable for the gina & krista
round-robin, that video would not have gone up here.
Let's go back to the CNN video.
A veteran is loudly calling out a US House Rep who is failing We The People.
you've missed it, House Conversion Queen Mike Johnson has insisted that
the people -- all these people -- showing up at rallies to demand that
their Congressional reps do their jobs and stop serving Musk and Chump
and start serving the people -- he's insisted these are paid agitators
and George Soros or someone else has paid them.
tomorrow we find out that the veteran in the video above was paid off
or was not who he presented as, we'd have every reason in the world to
be upset. Every reason.
That's not going to be the case with the veteran above. But if it had been, we'd have every right to be outraged.
number of you are outraged about a similar issue around protests and
you're sick of MSNBC trying to shove it down your throat while lying.
Yes, I agree with the community, it is lying.
the genocide in Gaza began (or this wave), we covered the protests and
supported the protesters on campuses across the country. Good for
American students for using their voices. We covered it here. We
bought in some of the activists that Ava and I met with on campuses for
And when the corporate media,
not just FOX "NEWS," would lie, we'd call them out. We're the only ones
that called out some of that garbage. We'd point out that this average
student, 'voice of the people' that was denouncing other students for
protesting was, in fact, a paid member of the right-wing media. FAIR
didn't do it. We did. It was a story of lies, a story of media bias and
a story of media conglomeration (the country's largest owner of
stations across the country broadcast the same lie filled 'report on
every station they owned for example).
liars that we called out? They're still liars. They received money
from right-wing media and that wasn't disclosed in the 'reports' they
were featured in.
But one thing that they said often was that these student protests were being led by non-students and/or foreigners.
charge is often made. And it's made because no one wants someone
sticking their nose in our country's business. So if it's a foreigner
leading this, then it is a lot different.
denounced this here for the whole week -- we're talking about the
Syrian-born Palestinian activist who, turns out, pretty much led,
organized and spoke for the Columbia University-based protests.
the CNN video above, we hear what the veterans is saying. And, sure,
we applaud him partly because we agree with him. But we also applaud
him because of the integrity he's bringing to his remarks.
FOX "NEWS" does an expose Sunday morning revealing that the veteran
isn't who we've been led to believe he was, we're going to feel ripped
(Again, that's not going to happen. The man's a veteran and he wasn't paid by anyone.)
So a lot of you are angry about the Syrian-born activist and, again, I get it.
It helps out FOX "NEWS" and that's bad enough. But we also got lied to and that's equally bad.
The problem you're having with MSNBC is that they won't shut up about it.
Excuse me, they don't cover what we're talking about.
cover the Syrian-born activist as a martyr and a noble person and
they're not doing coverage -- as Keesha pointed out in last night's
roundtable, "They are putting their thumbs on the scales and
misinforming to shape our opinions." She's exactly right.
has yet to grapple with the fact that the US-led campus protests were
not all US-led and that the activist in question makes us all look like
fools because we defended against the charges that this was a foreign
influenced movement.
MSNBC doesn't want to inform you of that.
They do want to try to tell you what to think.
And, here's the thing, they're not succeeding.
Syrian-born is a liar. And a lot of us feel betrayed.
are trying to create a news story -- there has been no news there since
he was arrested, it's now a matter for the courts. But MSNBC has
decided to stake their brand on this bulls**t.
doing the right thing when they start doing that and you turn off the
TV or change the channel. I spoke with a friend in management and
they're also getting a lot of complaints about this coverage -- as they
should be. But turning off the TV or changing the channel will send a
much stronger message.
Again, there's no
story there. There was no reason, for example, for Chris Hayes to cover
it last night -- I didn't watch, I only became aware during last
night's round table.
There are no new developments and MSNBC isn't being honest.
We defended those students, we defended the movement and now Syrian-born is making FOX "NEWS" look like the truth teller.
yes, I get the anger. And when Lawrence comes back, we'll highlight
him. Other than that, I'm going to have wait on the community's
I also heard -- and agree --
during the roundtable that the attack on school breakfasts and lunches
is 100% more important than any one person -- certainly more than the
Syrian-born activist. This is going to take place in over forty states
if the administration gets away with it. Over forty states. And, as
we've noted this week, this is going to mean that farmers are going to
be struggling even more because the cuts are going to harm them. But
they're also going to harm our country's children.
growling stomach? You can't learn on that. If a child is going
hungry, their basic needs aren't being met and, yes, it does effect
Now you may be the biggest sack of
s**t MAGA idiot. But I would think even that person who hates the world
and thinks all adults are welfare cheats would have the brains not to
blame a child. We're supposed to protect the children. We're adults.
That's our job. And cutting the food program is not protecting them.
Again, you may hate their parents for example if you're MAGA but I think
you'd have to agree that the children themselves haven't done anything
wrong. The gutting that's going on right now is appalling and inhumane
and destroying the economy. That's across the board.
the attacks on children's meals -- like the attacks on science -- are
much worse because they will do long lasting damage and, again, we're
the adults, we're supposed to protect the children.
In the roundtable, a number of you made clear that MSNBC isn't interested in this story.
flooding the zone on the Syrian-born activist but America's children
apparently don't have enough disposable income to interest MSNBC so
they'll instead bore us all with another story about the Syrian-Born
We need to take back at least one
house of Congress in the mid-terms -- I want both. And MSNBC's coverage
isn't helping with that.
The protests were
divisive. Actions can be. Didn't bother me. Didn't bother me that we
lost some readers (and about 40 community members) by covering the
It was news and I still applaud the American students on campuses who spoke out -- the Americans.
But the b.s. that soon overtook everything cost us the election. And now we live in horror each day.
I hear you, you're not in the mood for MSNBC and their ignoring of real
stories that impact the American people and could impact the mid-terms
to instead do another whine about Syrian-born.
We got enough propaganda on him before he was arrested. We don't need anymore.
from last night, a permanent resident? That's a status and it doesn't
mean it can't be revoked. You're getting liars telling you all sorts of
things there. My favorite is: It has to be proven in court!
Where the f**k have you lived since 9/11?
That's why community members are so angry at MSNBC, they're doing propaganda.
courts have bent over backwards to take the government's word on
terrorism. Over and over since 9/11 -- and they weren't all that
reluctant prior to that.
There's also the
reality that he may in fact be part of terrorism. I don't know. I
don't know him. I thought Columbia's protests were being led by
American students at Columbia. He's duped the public once already so,
no, I'm not staking my word on his claims.
also don't seem to understand immigration. You can't lie on
paperwork. If you do, you can lose a visa or a green card. That's
reality. Reality is also that most of us will lie on a form.
Especially if it's a lengthy form. And it might be a lie of omission,
it might be you short handing something, but it happens all the time.
And that's their out -- the government's out -- when they want to revoke
whatever they granted to a foreigner.
have serious issues to address in this country. We all have to figure
out what they are and cover what we need to cover -- what we feel we
need to cover.
MSNBC could argue that this is
the story that they feel that they need to cover. Fine. But they need
to accept the fact that viewers are already tuning out on them and that
will only increase as more air time is wasted on this non-story.
Non-story!!! He could be deported!!!
could be. Hasn't happened yet. The only news was that he was taken
into custody over the weekend and the plan is to deport him. That
headline has been more than conveyed. You're no longer doing news,
you're doing propaganda for his defense attorney.
And you're doing that while you're ignoring American children.
the mid-terms, other than a few freaks, no one's going to basing their
vote on what happened to the Syrian-born activist. What Chump's doing
to America's children? That's going to be an issue. The measles
outbreak that continues to spread because we have anti-science fools in
Chump's administration? That's going to be an issue.
I said this last night in the roundtable but let me repeat it here:
do not live in front of the TV. I do not know every thing that is said
or done on MSNBC. I do leave the TV on these days because I'm a
Nielsen viewer but I really am not a TV person. So I was not aware that
this non-story -- it's a headline at this point -- about one person was
taking up so much TV real estate on MSNBC. I understand the anger I'm
hearing [in the roundtable] and this matter's addressed. We'll put a
halt on including MSNBC for the time being except for Lawrence
O'Donnell. We'll continue to asses this as a community.
So, again, my apologies. It was my ignorance completely. And I am sorry.
This is an important topic so the time above was not wasted but let's wrap up with a few other things. Aimee Picchi (CBS NEWS) reports:
U.S. Department of Agriculture is cutting two federal programs that
provided about $1 billion in funding to schools and food banks to buy
food directly from local farms, ranchers and producers, part of what the
agency said was a decision to "return to long-term, fiscally
responsible initiatives."
move cancels about $660 million in funding this year for the Local Food
for Schools program, which is active in 40 U.S. states, as well as about
$420 million for a second program called the Local Food Purchase
Assistance Cooperative Agreement, which helps food banks and other local
groups provide food to their communities.
decision comes as the Trump administration and Elon Musk's Department
of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, say they are slashing federal
spending to reduce government waste. The USDA programs were funded
through the agency's Commodity Credit Corporation, a Depression-era fund
created to buy products directly from farmers.
have no idea why this isn't getting more coverage. We noted it this week. This an attack on America's children. This will
impact so many and it's bread-and-butter issue so you'd think
politicians and news outlets would be running with this story. It's
also impacting farmers:
farmer in Massachusetts told CBS News Boston that she was concerned the
funding cut could hurt her business. Katie Carlson, president of
Carlson Orchards in Harvard, Massachusetts, said the Worcester Regional
Food Hub, which connects school districts with food from local farmers
through the USDA program, had been a reliable customer.
know that this time of year we can count on the Worcester Food Hub,"
Carlson said. "They may not be huge orders every week, but we know that
they're coming to take something every week, so if that were to all of a
sudden drop off [...] It's just not, not good."
children and farmers will suffer in order for Convicted Felon Donald
Chump to deliver tax breaks to his wealthy and crooked friends. That's
our nation priority when trash occupies the White House: Tax breaks for
the wealthy and attack the working class and America's future. In news
of Chump's other attacks on education, ABC NEWS reports:
Department of Education's far-reaching layoffs have decimated a small
statistical agency considered to be the "authoritative and trusted
source" of information on the education system in the United States,
four former employees familiar with the situation told ABC News.
the 1860s, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has
collected and analyzed data on education across the country, which has
been used by policymakers and the public to measure academic success,
teacher productivity and crime and safety in schools, among other
It issues a congressionally mandated
test called the National Assessment of Education Progress -- better
known as the "Nation's Report Card" -- which, since 1969, has been
considered the gold standard of testing to compare the academic
performance and progress of students across all 50 states in math and
reading across several grades.
Since 1860 . . . But, of course, idiot Chump knows better.
declares war on education because, as a deeply stupid person, he's
always railed against the notion that people could improve their lives
via education. So he attacks and attacks and attacks. Another
example, Erin Hudson and Sophie Alexander (BLOOMBERG NEWS) reports:
The US Department of Education’s sweeping cuts Tuesday included staff that oversee schools’ efforts to help millions of students learn English.
from the Office of English Language Acquisition, or OELA, are being
eliminated as part of the Education Department’s reduction in force this
week, according to the American Federation of Government Employees
Local 252, the union representing the agency’s employees. The wider
Education Department cuts aim to eliminate half of its more than 4,000
employees. A spokesperson for the department said OELA’s work will
continue in another division.
[. . .]
least a dozen OELA staff were cut including those who worked on the
Title III program, which provides federal funding for states to improve
education for students learning English, as well as the National
Professional Development Program and the Native American and Alaska
Native Children in School program, which train teachers to support those
students, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not
to be named and a document seen by Bloomberg.
On the Native American issue, CRONKITE NEWS adds:
National Council of Urban Indian Health issued a press release deeming
“federal layoffs targeting essential tribal programs … catastrophic for
Indian Country.”
“DEI requires
context,” said Tempe Chief Diversity Officer Velicia McMillan Humes.
“You have to understand that this is addressing a greater, longer,
pervasive issue.”
Diversity training began with
affirmative action after President John F. Kennedy signed an executive
order in 1961 that required federal contractors to create equal
employment for all.
“You have to learn how to
create strategies to engage individuals who don’t feel safe or
comfortable or don’t feel like they’ll be heard,” Humes said. “But the
first thing we need to do is recognize that we have played a role in
that inequity.”
Everyone is under assault in Chump Land. Thomas Kika (CNET) observes:
Donald Trump and his administration appear to be ramping up plans to
abolish the Department of Education, a long-promised move that has
prompted as much alarm as it has uncertainty.
Department of Education has been around in some form since the mid-19th
century, with its current cabinet-level form being created when a law
passed by Congress and signed by President Jimmy Carter spun it off from
the broader Department of Health, Education and Welfare in 1979. Over
the decades, it's frequently come under fire from conservative
lawmakers, including from President Ronald Reagan, Carter's successor,
but the calls have usually been for it to be stripped back, not shut
down outright.
This pushback
was supercharged, however, when Trump pledged during his 2024 campaign
to do just that: shutter the department completely. That threat took
another step forward in early March, when Trump's former Small Business
Administration head Linda McMahon (yes, that Linda McMahon)
was sworn in as the new secretary of education and quickly sent a memo
to department workers claiming that they would be carrying out its
"final mission." Recent reports also indicate the Trump administration
was working on an executive order directing the secretary to prepare for
the end of the department, and on March 11 it was announced that half
of its staff was being cut as part the planned shutdown.
Senator Patty Murray's office issued the following regarding Chump's attacks on education:
Let's wind down with some good news, Lloyd Lee (BUSINESS INSIDER) notes:
has lost so much value in such a short period of time that JPMorgan
analysts said they couldn't think of another comparable moment in
automotive history.
struggle to think of anything analogous in the history of the
automotive industry, in which a brand has lost so much value so
quickly," they wrote, adding that the closest example was when Japanese
and Korean car brands lost sales amid "diplomatic disputes" with China
in 2012 and 2017, respectively.
The JPMorgan
analysts wrote in a note on Wednesday that those historical cases were
"confined to a single market, whereas the decline in Tesla sales in 2025
is not specific to any one nation or geography."
analysts cut their price target on Tesla by about 41% from $230.58 to
$135, lowering guidance on vehicle deliveries for the first quarter of
2025 to about 355,000 — an 8% year-over-year decrease from the first
quarter of 2024.
From December to Wednesday
after trading hours, Tesla lost nearly 49% of its market cap, seeing its
peak value of $1.54 trillion from the end of last year fall to about
$777 billion.
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