that's because of the birds. we have a few sofas out here and i'm on 1. we also have a table and chairs. but back in may, memorial day weekend, in fact, we had a lot of people over and needed a few more chairs so i got some of the folding chairs out of the garage. they're like what you would take a to a football game. so fly boy took most in and there was 1 off in the corner by the flower pots that got missed.
there's a bird that loves to visit that area. and tends to fly off when i come out on the deck.
so what, right?
well it turned out that the bird built a nest and laid eggs in that chair - which was back in standing position and not positioned like a chair.
now there are trees all over the place but, for whatever reason, that's what she selected.
so when i found the eggs, i started coming out here less unless it was night time. my daughter and i would look through the glass during the day and monitor her visits to her nest. then they started hatching and now they're flying free and no longer using the next but my daughter's convinced the mama bird will come back to use the next again if we stay out of her way.
so we don't hang out as much on the deck during the day.
we spy on it a lot.
and i've noticed a lot more bumblee bees this year. yea!!!! we need the bees. our world does.
i hear people say that planting trees or plants or flowers won't help fight climate change. i don't understand that but whatever. more plants and flowers should help our friends in the bug and bird world. when we 1st found the next, my daughter wanted to know what we could plant for more birds to visit? so we planted, in pots, some spinach and some butterleaft lettuce. no plans to eat it - and it has not gotten big enough for human consumption. but the birds and bugs - and a geko that is living out here - will chew on it. she'll get so excited if she sees them doing it during the day. and when she decides we can go out on the deck without disturbing any 1, it's the first thing she checks after the folding chair where the empty nest is.
i've got 12 flower pots out here and 4 with flowers that are hanging as well. the bees buzz around those all the time.
she's learned to identify honey bees and others - including a 'potter wasp' which i'd never even heard of, let alone saw. but we had 1 of those and she took a picture through the glass and identified it.
oh, i lied. there is 1 thing i planted that i hoped would produce to eat. i planted green onions. and i had to move them to another plant, a bigger 1, because they were doing so well. since i moved them to a bigger plant, they've only just recovered - about 3 weeks later. but they're starting to grow. they're still not to where i'd want them - more thin strands than stalks - but i' hopeful.
i'm going to call this a summertime post and i'm going to add diana ross doing 'summertime' - not the 'summertime' we all know ('and the living is easy ...') but a song that appears on her rca greatest hits set and was on 1987 set 'red hot rhythm and blues' beofre that.
let's close with c.i.'s 'Iraq snapshot:'
Friday, July 19, 2019. Since when is an endorsement from a disgraced general a good thing?
US House Rep and Iraq War veteran Seth Moulton has gotten an endorsement. Zach Budryk (THE HILL) reports, "Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal endorsed Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) for president Thursday, citing his 'character' and 'competence'."
Character and competence? Time to question Andrea Mitchell's for having the disgraced general on as someone to be listened to. In 2010, Stanley ended his career as a result of his remarks reported in ROLLING STONE by Michael Hastings. For those who never read "The Runaway General," Stanley's choice may be surprising. But those of us who read it knew, for example, that Stanley would never endorse Joe Biden -- who he ripped apart in 2010 interviews with Michael Hastings.
At the hear of Stanley's bitching was that he didn't like civilian oversight of the military -- which would suggest he's better suited to a junta. Tough for Stanley, that's not the way it is in the US. Again, shame on Andrea Mitchell for trotting this embarrassment out on TV.
US House Rep and Iraq War veteran Seth Moulton has gotten an endorsement. Zach Budryk (THE HILL) reports, "Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal endorsed Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) for president Thursday, citing his 'character' and 'competence'."
Character and competence? Time to question Andrea Mitchell's for having the disgraced general on as someone to be listened to. In 2010, Stanley ended his career as a result of his remarks reported in ROLLING STONE by Michael Hastings. For those who never read "The Runaway General," Stanley's choice may be surprising. But those of us who read it knew, for example, that Stanley would never endorse Joe Biden -- who he ripped apart in 2010 interviews with Michael Hastings.
At the hear of Stanley's bitching was that he didn't like civilian oversight of the military -- which would suggest he's better suited to a junta. Tough for Stanley, that's not the way it is in the US. Again, shame on Andrea Mitchell for trotting this embarrassment out on TV.
Retired General McChrystal endorses Seth Moulton’s presidential bid
NEW: Retired US Gen. Stanley McChrystal endorses Seth Moulton for president; Moulton, a decorated Marine veteran and congressman, has not drawn enough support to make the first 2 Democratic debates.
Seth looks fat and sweaty in every picture these days.
The disgraced general endorsed him and Seth was thrilled to have it -- which does not speak well of Seth. Again, Stanley's forced resignation resulted from his attacks on Joe Biden and other civilians providing oversight of the US military. Stanley couldn't take that.
Seth's either incredibly desperate or he shares Stanley's hated of civilian oversight.
In the end, it doesn't matter. Seth's campaign is over. America has rejected him. They've rejected him so much, in fact, that late night clown Samantha Bee is now making jokes about him.
.@sethmoulton didn't make the next Democratic debate, but that doesn't mean he can't be on TV that night!
Once again, Seth has failed to qualify for the debates. July 30th and July 31st, the Democrats will offer ten candidates a night debating as they attempt to convince voters that they are the candidate who should be president. Seth failed to make the June debates and he's now failed to make the July debates.
The candidates who made the debate? From Mike's "Tulsi made the second debates!!!" last night: "The first night, July 30th, will be Marianne Williamson, Tim Ryan, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Beto O'Rourke, John Hickenlooper, John Delaney and Steve Bullock. The second night, July 31st, will be Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, Kirsten Gilibrand, Julian Castro, Cory Booker, Andrew Yang, Kamala Harris, Jay Inslee, Mike DeBlasio and Joe Biden."
Seth's campaign is over. His insults of Pete Buttigieg probably didn't help him.
This is why Seth Moulton is getting 0% in the Dem primary
Seth Moulton on Pete Buttigieg (

I don't know what's funnier -- Seth thinking a winning strategy was playing the bully jock or thinking that as fat as he is today he could still pull off a jock pose.
But he's history even if he can't grasp that.
If you are a sitting member of Congress, he is, and you can't make it on to the debate stage, it's over for you. This is twice in a row. His campaign has failed to ignite or inspire.
Maybe he should go on Samantha Bee's show -- it might suggest he's a good sport.
25 people are seeking the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. Only 20 of them made the cut for July's debates.
The Declaration of Independence is America’s mission statement; part of our problem is that our generation has failed to emotionally and psychologically bond with it. Its principles are dead if they’re not alive in our hearts. Read it and reread it. It will change you. #bigtruth
Important we consider that question because it’s not the way we function now. Much govt policy does NOT respect the equality of all & does NOT support everyone’s pursuit of happiness. According to Dec of Ind, if govt fails to do its job it’s the right of the people to alter it.
The US is having an identity crisis, our generation forced to decide: will we or will we not choose to stand on the principles bequeathed to us: the equality of all; God-given inalienable rights to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness; & govt. existing to secure those rights.
Marianne Williamson Retweeted
Asking for a friend, will @marwilliamson be our next president?
Marianne Williamson made the cut. In fact, all six women made the cut.
All six are running unique campaigns and appealing to a variety of voters. They each stand out. Too many of the male candidates -- including some who will be on the debate stage have failed to stand out in any way at all. They're just a blur.
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“I am blunt.”
Fact-check: True.
Amy Klobuchar Retweeted
WATCH: Sen. Klobuchar discusses actions for her first 100 days if elected president.
It's official! I'll be on the debate stage on July 30. I look forward to another opportunity to share an optimistic, economic agenda with millions of Americans. Will you help get the word out by hosting a neighborhood debate watch party?
Senator Amy Klobuchar will be on the stage. Following the last debates, the press refused to report what happened and were intent upon creating their own narratives. One of the most laughable, you may remember, was that Julian Castro was now a breakout star that he would be at the top of the polls and . . . he didn't budge a bit. He's still a nobody. Focusing on predictions, instead of what took place, allowed many to miss that Amy did what she needed to do last time, she was pointed when needed and she was also laid back and humorous. She's established that side and it will be interesting to see whether she digs in deeper with that at the end of the month or if she offers something different.
I’m very glad that @TheNationsFirst & our state leaders will continue to allow transgender Americans to serve in the MA National Guard. Our Commonwealth is safer when we allow everyone who can handle the job to serve.
Elizabeth Warren Retweeted
We need to close the loopholes that have allowed Wall Street to profit from private prisons & detention centers, dirty fossil fuels, retail bankruptcies & predatory payday loans.
We’re proud to support this bill from @SenWarren to #StopWallStreetLooting.
Elizabeth Warren Retweeted
New private equity reform bill from @SenWarren, @SenatorBaldwin, @SenSherrodBrown would help investors fully understand PE and other private funds, and protect workers, customers, and other stakeholders and businesses, @EileenAppelbaum says. #pirateequity
Elizabeth Warren Retweeted
A predatory private equity firm shut down Wisconsin stores and nearly 3,000 Shopko workers lost their jobs.
When thousands of Wisconsin workers get laid off, I’m going to take action to prevent it from happening again.
Today we introduced a reform to #StopWallStreetLooting
Senator Elizabeth Warren will be on stage with, among others, Senator Bernie Sanders. They may be able to strongly reject attempts to shut down Medicare For All.
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand was not served well by the MSNBC monitors/moderators last time. Let's hope CNN does not rush to shut down women and that when they tell a Joe Biden, for example, that his time is us, that they enforce it instead of letting every man prattle on as happened with last month's debate.
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Whether it's "send her back" or "lock her up," "there has to be some form of punishment" or "grab her by the p***y"—the throughline is contempt for women and anyone who threatens this president's fragile ego.
He should be afraid. We are his worst nightmare. And we will beat him.
We just found out: I can't wait to take the debate stage on Wednesday, July 31!
I'll be at that podium because of grassroots supporters—but my spot for the fall could be in jeopardy. If you value my voice in these debates, help send me to the next round:
"The passion that she communicated her positions today has left everybody in this room a Senator Gillibrand fan."
When you speak, I listen. I take notes. And then I do something about it. That's how public service is supposed to work.
In this democracy, your voice should be just as important as the Koch brothers'. In my administration, it will be.
Senator Kamala Harris made the cut.
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It’s vile.
It’s cowardly.
It’s xenophobic.
It’s racist.
It defiles the office of the President.
And I won't share it here.
It’s time to get Trump out of office and unite the country.
Let's reject those who are trying to sow hate and division among us and agree we've got to bring our country together.
Cooking goals.
Excited to take the stage again for the second Democratic debate on Wednesday, July 31 on @CNN. I’m ready to share our vision on how we can give American’s a raise, pay our teachers their value, keep guns out of the wrong hands, and fight #ForThePeople.
She will again share the stage with Joe Biden. Hopefully, this go round, the press won't feel the need to lecture and hector her. It was sexist and everyone should be ashamed of themselves -- especially a certain USA TODAY columnist.
And US House Rep and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard made the cut as well.
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Want a president who will put your interests ahead of the rich and powerful? Meet Tulsi Gabbard --> #Tulsi2020 #TulsiGabbard #ServiceBeforeSelf
Thanks to all of our supporters who made this possible. Tune in July 31 @cnn! #TULSI2020
Hawaii and Puerto Rico share many of the same experiences and stories. I stand with Puerto Ricans demanding change, who have had enough of government corruption, and who deserve a government of, by, and FOR the people. El pueblo unido jamás será vencido. #RickyRenuncia
From the beginning, many commentators dismissed her -- some even ridiculed her. She's still in the race and she's made both debates. She's run on issues and has provided a common sense approach. She came across strong in the last debate and she'll probably consolidate that this go round.
Again, all six women qualified. They are six different women with six different visions for the future.
Applause to them all.
We'll do a Saturday Iraq snapshot to cover Turkey's latest attack on the KRG and more.
The following sites updated: