'like sands through the hour glass ... these are the days
of our lives.' or maybe not. anymore. since 1965, 'days of our
lives' has aired on nbc. it was nbc's only soap - after they cancelled
'passions,' 'another world,' 'santa barbra,' 'the doctors,' etc. and
now they're taking it off the airwaves and switching it over to their
streaming platform 'peacock.'
are pointing out that 'peacock' is still not a success. it's not. and
they worry that if 'peacock' goes under, that's it for 'days.' others
wonder if this means more explicit love seasons.
explicit? you do realize that doug & julia were often naked under
those sheets. they even made the cover of 'time' as a result. susan
seaforth hayes played julie. forget who played doug. but ni real life,
the 2 were married so they used to add something 'extra' to their love
this is not the 1st time a network soap opera has tried streaming.
'all my children' and '1 life to live' tried it before. it did not work.
i think that was more because they didn't give them enough time to try.
have 2 soaps, 'peacock.' i don't see that in the write ups. 'beyond
salem' is getting another season. it's a 'days of our lives' spin-off
and it's web only on 'peacock.'
will replace the hour slot on their schedule with a daily news show
(more like a news magazine). i don't see that pulling in a lot of
viewers. equally true, most nbc outlets were already airing a news
broadcast of their own before or after 'days.'
my favorite characters on the show?
1st and foremost hope. she will always be the show.
i also loved original jack & jennifer. i loved melissa when she was with pete. anna and tony were good.
steve and kayla were great.
hope and steve were probably my all time favorites. and i can't forget maggie. i always liked maggie.
let's close with c.i.'s 'Iraq snapshot:'
Thursday, August 4, 2022. The PACT Act passes the US Senate and Moqtada is sprouting and sporting boobies.
Turkish warplanes again launched an aerial attack on an area
in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, a fortnight
after artillery bombardment against a tourist resort in the same
district caused multiple casualties.
media outlets reported that Turkish fighter jets targeted the Amadiya
district in the northern Iraqi province of Dohuk on Wednesday.
only exception there is the commenting on Moqtada al-Sadr's tv address
yesterday -- and people commenting on how large his man boobs have
become. As he loses a little more power in Iraq, maybe he can become
the Dolly Parton of Iraq? Win a wet t-shirt contest or two?
Influential #Shiite cleric Muqtada al-#Sadr told followers Wednesday to continue their sit-in inside #Iraq’s government zone.
Sadr called for the dissolution of parliament and early elections, signaling a deepening power struggle with his rivals.
a funny meme where Moqtada's speaking and we see footage of his male
supporters with many touching the left side of their chests but a few
touching the right side and a caption about how they're striking their
chests trying to grow big breasts like Moqtada has.
has lost power and the press would be telling you that if they were
capable of honesty and if they were able to use their own eyes and
CBS NEWS's Jim Axelrod notes
in a discussion about current events, continue inside and outside the
Parliament. And he's right about that. But why is the inside part not
How do you miss that? How do you write about what's going on and not note that Moqtada can't control his goons.
point of leaving the Parliament was attempting to reach out to the
Iraqi people. The Iraqi people as a group are not thrilled with
Moqtada's trash occupying their Parliament. They see it as
disrespectful and they're commenting on how trashy it looks. That is
their national buidling.
But Moqtada's goons wouldn't leave.
What kind of a cult leader can't control his own cult?
couldn't pull off the formation of a government and that didn't spark
any realization among the western press. So maybe they are honestly
missing reality -- or maybe they're just distracted by Moqtada's big
Laure Al-Khoury (APF) observes, "Nearly 10 months on from the last elections, the country still has no
government, new prime minister or new president, due to repeated
squabbles between factions over forming a coalition."
Nearly 10 months on from the last elections, the country still has no
government, new prime minister or new president, due to repeated
squabbles between factions over forming a coalition.
In the latest political turmoil to strike the oil-rich but
war-scarred nation, Sadr called for a "revolutionary and peaceful
process, then early democratic elections after the dissolution of
His televised speech came as his supporters occupied parliament for a
fifth consecutive day, in protest at a nomination for prime minister by
Coordination Framework, a rival pro-Iran Shia faction.
However, parliament can only be dissolved by a majority vote,
according to the constitution. Such a vote can take place at the request
of a third of lawmakers, or by the prime minister with the president's
If they were
to hold new elections, would Moqtada abide by them? He's the big loser
here. He's not reached out beyond his cult. He has angered Shi'ites in
Iraq with the occupation of Parliament. They see it as disrespectful
and they're not interested in what he's saying or why he's saying it.
The Sunnis don't like him and never will. Kurdish leaders like him but
the Kurdish people aren't fond of him. His hope was to appeal to
Shi'ites across the nation. And that's failed thus far.
new elections? Who's gong to vote for Moqtada? He did well last
October because most Iraqis boycotted voting. Having seen all he's put
the country through for the last months, they're more likely to turn out
in new elections.
If that happens and Moqtada
goes back to his usual low numbers, is he going to respect those results
or just keep calling for new elections over and over unless he gets the
results he wants?
Officials in Iraq called on Wednesday for a national dialogue to end the country's political deadlock, Anadolu
news agency has reported. President Barham Salih met with Prime
Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi in Baghdad to discuss the recent political
According to a statement issued by the
Iraqi president's office, the two men discussed the importance of
ensuring security and stability, with a commitment to calm and reliance
on a careful and responsible dialogue that addresses the crisis. The
intention is to set out a clear roadmap and solutions to protect the
national interest as a priority.
Salih has also met with the head of the UN
Mission for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, and discussed the latest
political developments. "The circumstances in the country require a
commitment to calm and to engage in an honest and careful dialogue that
deals with the political situation in order to reach a clear roadmap,"
he told the UN official. In response, Hennis-Plasschaert stressed that
the mission supports dialogue between all parties and access to paths
that preserve security and stability and achieve Iraqi aspirations.
had months to form a government and couldn't. Now Shi'ites feel he's
disrespecting the Parliament and disrespecting the country. What
support is he winning? Especially as he rejects calls for dialogue.
Al-Sadr also dismissed dialogue with his his political rivals in
the Coordination Framework, an alliance of mostly Iran-backed parties.
Al-Sadr said that talks in the past "didn't result in anything for us or
for the country."
"There is no point of that dialogue, especially after people have spoken their free and spontaneous word," he said.
Coordination Framework includes the Hashed al-Shaabi, a former
paramilitary network now integrated into Iraq's security forces.
Al-Sadr's longtime foe, former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, is also
part of the grouping.
The rejection of talks follows a growing
chorus of calls for dialogue from outgoing Prime Minister Mustafa
al-Kadhimi, President Barham Saleh and Al-Sadr's foe al-Maliki, as well
as international voices like French President Emmanuel Macron.
The United Nations also urged Iraq's political leaders to prioritize national interest and end the power struggle.
Moqtada refuses dialogue. Iraq watches. They see that his breast may be budding but he's still immature.
“After throwing away his plurality in the legislature in Baghdad, Muqtada al-Sadr has decided to seize the building instead” reports 
TRT WORLD notes,
"Sadr reiterated during his address on Wednesday that he was ready to
'be martyred' for his cause." Martyred? While in hiding? Even his
poses are laughable.
UNAMI issued the follwoing:
03 August 2022
3 August 2022 - In recent months and weeks, the United Nations
Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has consistently called for dialogue
as the most effective way out of the protracted political crisis.
dialogue among all Iraqi parties is now more urgent than ever, as
recent events have demonstrated the rapid risk of escalation in this
tense political climate. While parties assert the importance of
democratic basics such as constitutional compliance and respect for
state institutions, these are increasingly not observed. Their failure
to move forward has had a clear adverse effect on public trust.
No party or group can claim that the
crisis does not involve them or affect them. The need to find solutions
through an all-inclusive dialogue is evident. In its absence, the state
of Iraq will continue to be dominated by competing interests, leading to
further instability, with the people paying the price. Such a scenario
is simply intolerable. Within this context, UNAMI welcomes recent calls
for national dialogue, and commends the expressions of support from
across the political spectrum. We appeal to all actors to commit,
actively engage and agree on solutions without delay.
Moreover, moving from words to deeds will
now prove essential. Iraq cannot afford another national dialogue to go
in vain. Iraqis do not need continued power struggles or stand-offs.
They need solutions, and a commitment to implementing them, to draw
their country out of its political crisis.
Iraq is facing an extensive list of
outstanding domestic issues: it is in desperate need of economic reform,
effective public service delivery as well as a federal budget - to name
a few. Hence, it is past time for political stakeholders to assume
their responsibilities and act in the national interest.
The United Nations stands, as always, ready to support and assist.
the United States, the House passed the PACT Act which would assist
veterans who were exposed to burn pits while serving in the US
military. While it passed the House, it did not pass in the Senate due
to Republican objections. After a weekend of veterans turning up the
heat on Congress, Republican Seantors reconsidered their stance and the
bill passed the Senate yesterday.
Senator Patty Murray's office issued the following:
Murray Votes to Pass the PACT Act, a Historic Extension of Health
Benefits to Veterans and Clears Path for Tri-Cities Veterans Clinic
Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, voted to pass the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act (PACT
Act), sending it to the President’s desk. The PACT Act, which President
Biden is expected to sign, will expand the toxic-exposure coverage for
post-9/11 veterans and create a framework for coverage going
forward. Last week, Senate Republicans blocked the PACT Act – a bill 25
of them previously voted to pass – as retaliation for Senate Democrats
announcing the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Importantly, Senator Murray secured notable provisions to authorize
and invest $36 million to lease a new VA clinic in the Tri-Cities area.
This follows concerns raised by
local veterans on the major challenges they have faced accessing the
care and services they need. The provision would allow VA to replace and
expand services currently offered through the Richland Outpatient
Clinic to enhance outpatient services, close space gaps, and reduce
strains on the Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Center in
Walla Walla. The facility would ensure veterans in the Tri-Cities region
have greater access to primary, specialty, and mental health care. This
new VA clinic would be critical to ensure patients can receive the
health services they need from a VA provider closer to where they live,
create jobs for more VA staff, and improve the level of care provided to
“With this bill, generations of toxic-exposed Washington
state veterans will finally be able to get the high-quality care they
need and have earned, and VA will get the resources needed to process
claims efficiently and better serve our vets.” said Senator Murray. “There’s
a lot we need to do to really make sure the VA works for veterans, but
passing the PACT Act will make a difference and save lives.”
“Importantly, I’m glad I was able to secure $36 million in
federal funding in this legislation to help build a new VA clinic in the
Tri-Cities,” added Senator Murray. “I believe strongly
that no veteran should be driving hours to get the care they’ve earned.
Building a new VA clinic in the Tri-Cities is going to help reduce the
strain on the VA in Walla Walla and really make a difference in the
quality of care for our veterans right here in Central Washington.”
“It’s downright shameful that Senate Republicans blocked this from passing last week,” Senator Murray said.
“Democrats voted to make sure veterans get the health care they’ve
earned. Republicans did not. They decided to play political games at the
expense of sick veterans – that’s wrong but I’m glad this bill is
finally headed to the President’s desk.”
Among its many priorities, the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022 will:
- Expand VA health care eligibility to more than 3.5 million toxic-exposed Post-9/11 combat veterans;
- Create a framework for the establishment of future presumptions of service connection related to toxic exposure;
- Add 23 burn pit and toxic exposure-related conditions to VA’s list of service presumptions, including hypertension;
- Expand presumptions related to Agent Orange exposure;
- Includes Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Atoll as locations for Agent Orange exposure;
- Strengthen federal research on toxic exposure;
- Improve VA’s resources and training for toxic-exposed veterans; and
- Set VA and veterans up for success by investing in:
- VA claims processing;
- VA’s workforce; and
- VA health care facilities.
As a voice for Washington state’s veterans in the Senate, Senator
Murray has been consistently fighting to make sure our country fulfills
its promise to our veterans and their families. Senator Murray recently spoke on the Senate floor calling for swift passage of the PACT Act. In May, she introduced the Helping Heroes Act, new
legislation to support the families of disabled veterans, including
children who take on caregiving roles. Senator Murray is also a
cosponsor of the BUILD for Veterans Act, which would help VA
build new facilities that would better meet the needs of current and
future veterans – including women veterans, veterans in need of
long-term care and veterans with spinal cord injuries and diseases.
Senator Murray has led the fight to ensure VA expands fertility
treatment and adoption services for veterans and their families through
her Veteran Families Health Services Act. She is pushing VA to prioritize the long-term care needs of all veterans—including women veterans, veterans of color, LGBTQ+ veterans, and veterans with disabilities. Murray has also authored legislation that will give servicemembers the tools they need to build real financial security into retirement.
And the White House issued the following:
Statement by President Joe Biden on Senate Passage of the Bipartisan PACT Act
While we can never fully repay the enormous debt we owe to those who
have worn the uniform, today, the United States Congress took important
action to meet this sacred obligation. The bipartisan Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022
is the biggest expansion of benefits for service-connected health
issues in 30 years and the largest single bill ever to comprehensively
address exposure to burn pits.
I called for this legislation in my State of the Union address, as
part of my Unity Agenda to help bring together our nation. Congress has
delivered a decisive and bipartisan win for America’s veterans. I want
to thank Chair Tester and Ranking Member Moran as well as Chair Takano
and Ranking Member Bost for their tireless work to pass this major
reform, and the courageous veterans and advocates whose tenacity and
heart ensured this legislation got done.
For the millions of veterans who may have been exposed to harmful
toxins, this bill means quicker access to health care services and other
benefits. This could be the difference between life and death for many
suffering from toxic related illnesses. For the spouse or child of a
servicemember who died from toxic exposure, struggling to put their
lives back together, this bill will be a lifeline. It means a monthly
stipend for a surviving spouse and kids, and access to tuition benefits
to help cover the cost of college. It means access to life insurance,
home loan assistance, and help with health care. It matters.
I have long said we have a lot of obligations as a nation, but we
have only one sacred obligation – to prepare and equip those we send to
war and to take care of them and their families when they come home.
I look forward to signing this bill, so that veterans and their
families and caregivers impacted by toxic exposures finally get the
benefits and comprehensive health care they earned and deserve.
The following sites updated: