c.i. made me laugh today. i was out on a walk and came back to a message on my machine. it was perfect for my mood.
'the way i see it,' he said
'you just can't win it . . .
everybody's in it for their own gain
you can't please 'em all
there's always somebody calling your down
i do my best
and i do good business
that's where it cut off. it's from joni mitchell's 'free man in paris' (on court & spark). when we i got my 1st answering machine, years ago, elaine and c.i. would each leave songs on it. so it was a nice reminder and it was also a perfect summary of my mood.
that is my mood my now. i wrote about it last night. if someone has a problem, well it's their problem. too bad.
that's the attitude that's been taken with jason leopold so i certainly won't step forward to defend any 1 that couldn't spare a 2nd to defend him.
so did you hear about hillary? you may not have. sherry e-mailed me that a certain site didn't offer medea benjamin's article though they frequently do. guess they were scared about taking back ameria being offended?
i notice they did have time for nonsense about 'blog power' and other ass kissing.
last week, they pointed out something ava and c.i. had . . . back in april. they're useless. they'll talk a good game about this needs to stop and dems need to stand up but when it comes down to it, they're scared and, as joni would sing, 'in it for their own gain.'
so here's the medea benjamin article, 'Peace Activists at Hillary Clinton's Speech Try to Take Back ''Take Back America'':'
Fearing that CODEPINK would openly confront Clinton on her pro-war policy, the organizers of Take Back America entered into negotiations with CODEPINK a few days before the conference. "We had lengthy discussions where they pleaded with us not to protest during her keynote breakfast address," explained Gael Murphy, one of the cofounders of CODEPINK. "Instead, we were told that we could distribute flyers explaining Hillary's pro-war position to the crowd inside and outside the hotel, and we would be called on to ask her the first question after the speech. We agreed."
However, when CODEPINK showed up on Tuesday morning in advance of Clinton's speech, the security guards refused to allow them to pass out flyers, even outside the hotel.
"Take Back America violated the agreement from the moment we arrived," said Ms. Murphy. "Even though we had a table inside the conference, burly security guards blocked us and informed us that it was a private event, that we were not welcome, and they escorted us out of the building. We telephoned the conference staff who then told us that we couldn't enter the hotel, couldn’t leaflet the event, the hallways--anywhere. They went back on their word and tried to quash even peaceful, respectful dissent."
apparently that's too controversial for some shy wallflowers. well, you know me, i court controversy. it should have been headline news but i've noticed others had other things to do, other things to cover.
well, like joni said . . .
i saw that picture last night and intended to blog on it but then i listened to the program and wasn't in the mood for much of anything.
i remember thinking, 'i bet c.i. would love to put that picture up!' (c.i. doesn't post photos except in promotional capacity to avoid infringing on anyone's copyrights.) so i logged on this morning and saw hillary and thought, 'god bless you isaiah!'
the community's so lucky to have an illustrator. for a mid-week cartoon, it must have really been an issue to isaiah. he does stuff now for the gina & krista round-robin and polly's brew so he's got a lot on his plate. to do a mid-week illustration for the site must have meant he really wanted to weigh in.
hillary really looked like that in the photo i saw. she was screaming. as though all her repressed rage towards bill over monica was coming out and she was going to scream it at the crowd. well, she made a fool out of herself defending one oval office occupant so why not do it again by preaching her 'stay-the-course' nonsense?
some women aren't their own women. for the 90s she was bill's, and this decade, she's been bully boy's. i've been talking about how the illustration is isaiah's but let me put in the link: "Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts 'The Beat of Black Wings/ The Screech of the War Hawk'."
betsy e-mailed to say she hoped i was feeling better today and that she was glad some 1 wasn't running to avoid jason leopold.
i'm glad too. i'm glad i wrote what i wrote.
feeling better? let's just say a protective covering has crossed my heart.
the next time some 1 is in danger or being ridiculed, some 1 who couldn't say anything about jason leopold, in his defense, i'll just shrug my shoulders and think, 'you're on your own.'
that's all it is. and them using him to say 'see i'm not him!' not today, anyway.
a big thank you to cedric for listening to me last night. i was a blubbering mess and kept trying to get off the phone but he kept me on the phone and talking until i was all cried out. (he wrote about it in 'Law and Disorder, Dahr Jamail & Amy Goodman on Falluja, the death of two Iraqi women, Ramadi and more, and Jason Leopold.')
it was surprising last night. it's not so much now. every 1 is in it for their own gain. that's why they avoid what happened to codepink or other stuff that matters.
those are my thoughts for tonight. not sad. not upbeat. just 'with eyes wide open' (as creed howls in their song).