
do not miss democracy now today

just a heads up and you know i don't usually blog during the day.

but c.i. called and asked, 'rebecca, did you see democracy now?' i did. i'll watch it again on link tv later today. my ex and i were watching while we drank our coffee. i saw who the guest was on the common ills this morning (thanks rod), janice karpinski and we were both curious about this interview.

'did you hear that?' and 'oh my god' were the two most repeated comments during the broadcast.

c.i. called about the interview (and to make sure that i knew i had gotten the name of robert parry's lost history wrong so i could correct it) and you have to watch this interview.

it's not up yet at democracy now but it will be later.

if you can't watch it, you can listen to it or read it online. you can also check to see if there's a station in your are that broadcasts democracy now either on radio or tv or you can watch it on dish network or direct tv.

you get the doors 'unknown soldier' and sara thomsen during the breaks. i'm putting that in so that people are curious hopefully but also because i always mean to get the cd for sara thomsen when they play the 'and prove to me america that you care' but i never write down the artist's name when amy goodman gives it out. it's sara thomsen (and sherry, if you can remember, e-mail in a few days and ask me if i got it). we're taking the ferry in later today but if i can't find it, i'll order it online.

so here's the point, it's an important democracy now and you need to watch it or listen to it or read it. if there's no station in your area broadcasting democracy now, radio or tv, and you don't have a satellite, you can go to the website online

this was actually a long, long post.

why isn't it?

the whole damn thing got lost.

i click on 'publish post' and it looks like it's publishing but instead i'm taken to a screen to sign in.
my ex husband points out i worked an hour on a post and now it's lost and asks why i'm not screaming?

because the blogger program sucks and every 1 who uses it is getting pretty sick of it.

he asked why i still used it and says to pay for a site. i could do that. c.i.'s considered it, especially with the third estate sunday review problems when publishing, but dyi, do it yourself, is the attitude here.

the common ills has resulted in 9 official spin offs (there are also unofficials 1s, usually focused solely on the visual arts) and that's because it inspires people. moving to a for pay site might make some people think 'i can't do it.' the whole point is that you can do it.

so for now, we all grit our teeth when the blogger program destroys our work.

a lost entry is a pain in the ass but the chance that it might inspire some 1 makes it worth it.

as c.i. always says 'we need more voices, not less.'

back to democracy now, the interview is explosive.

you have to watch.

corporate media doesn't serve you.

so if you're not sure if democracy now is broadcast in your area click here. that's a list of tv stations and radio stations broadcasting the program. in addition, you can watch or listen or read transcripts online.

community member charlie has his own computer now. however, before that happened, as he shared at the common ills, i'm not telling secrets, he was dependent upon his library and there was a time limit (15 or 20 minutes i think) for how long you could be on. he couldn't watch or listen. but he could read the transcripts. so if you're in a situation like charlie was, go to the site and read the transcripts.

democracy now makes it's headlines each day available in spanish and english, in audio and text so get the word out on that. maria, miguel and franciso make a point to run down those headlines each weekend, choosing ten or eleven, to help get the word out.

spanish speaking corporate media is still corporate media. we need to get the word out.

if you've ever wondered about democracy now but never checked it out, today is the day to check it out.

this was a longer post before but i don't have another hour to spend on it.

i will be blogging later today. check out democracy now.