
noting the third estate sunday review and previewing upcoming stories on that site

i'm in the midst of helping the third estate sunday review with and i realized that i better grab time to blog or people will start thinking 'that rebecca just takes every weekend off!'

i want to note sad news, peter benenson is dead and if you don't know that name go over and read folding star's tribute to benenson at a winding road.

since a new third estate sunday review will be up within eight hours, i want to point out that the last issue had a sampling of tori amos lyrics and if you are a tori fan like i am you should enjoy reading it. i love how it works together (all these lines from different songs) to form 1 story.

i'd also like to note the piece tries to convey to the new york times that judy miller is not the most important story in the whole wide world:

The Times is not a brave paper. It hasn't been for most of it's history. But it's "official timeline" tendency on each and every story have left the readers indifferent to the paper of record. The paper seems to feel we will rally behind Judy Miller due to a belief in freedom of the press but The New York Times hasn't utilized the First Amendment in years. They want people to get passionate about a principle that they've long ignored.

and i'll share a secret the new york times is addressed again in the upcoming third estate sunday review.

i believe i already noted c.i. interviewing folding star but in case you didn't check, let me recommend it again.

and of course the kids over at cjr daily get a failing grade in a lively and entertaining editorial.

the upcoming issue looks great as well. no links because they aren't posted and who knows what might get killed before it goes to print. but there's a very funny review of the apprentice and of course the new york times is dealt with again as noted earlier. right now the story being nailed down is this week's editorial. who will the third estate sunday review call to the attention of the class this week? for that you'll have to check their site on sunday!