
elon musk and the 2 inch erection


a better country with kamala harris where we can live our lives.  or you can go with trump and the racoon eyed miss sassy. 

j.d. vance is a piece of s**t and the only thing worse than him is donald trump.

frank landymore ('futerism') reports:

Unveiled Thursday night at a much-hyped event, Tesla's long-awaited robotaxi prototype — which will still take years to hit the streets — has seemingly failed to impress investors, as the automaker's stock plunged by 9 percent in premarket trading on Friday.

After the markets opened, it evened out to a still sizeable 7.5 to 8.5 percent down, in what could be a sign of Elon Musk's diminishing power to woo Wall Street with his usual grand promises.

ha ha!

go trump, hit the dump.

piece of trump garbage elon musk.  remember when amber heard was having an affair with him?  remember when the tramp broke up with him and started telling people he had a 2 inch penis - 2 inches hard?

that explains why he's from trump and that explains why he's so damn miserable.

2 inch erection.  he's not pleasing any 1 with that. 

but, hey, at least he can still get hard, right?  people do realize that at 78, donald trump isn't getting hard anymore.  he's just gluing on his wig every morning and hauling that fat ass onto stage.  

but do you think that's why some men support trump?  they have a micro penis?  i think so, that's usually the case.  so no 'death to maga!' cries.  they'll die off automatically since they're tiny penises render them unable to reproduce.

for that reason alone, you'd think they'd favor i.v.f.  women who have to ask, 'is it in yet?' are not getting pregnant without it - remember that tiny membered boys.

on reproduction rights, amanda becker ('the 19th news') reports:

The Supreme Court’s rejection this week of the Biden administration’s appeal to weigh in on a dispute over emergency abortion care in Texas foreshadows how the next president could protect or restrict abortion access without signing — or vetoing — federal legislation.  

The court’s decision came Monday as early voting was already underway in some states in the first presidential election since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending federal abortion protections and sending the issue back to the states.

Texas is one of 13 states that currently have total abortion bans in place and another four states cap the procedure after 6 weeks, before many people know they are pregnant. 

Restoring Roe’s protections nationwide are central to the case that Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is making against Republican nominee Donald Trump. Headed into the final weeks of the race, polls show abortion gaining on the economy as the top-of-mind issue for voters, particularly in battleground states and for women under 45 years old.

Trump, who as president cemented the conservative bloc on the court that overturned Roe in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, has provided few details about how his administration would approach abortion, saying only that he feels it is an issue best left up to the states and that “everyone knows” he would not sign a federal abortion ban.  

Trump has yet to comment on the myriad of other ways a president’s administration can impact abortion access via the federal agency rulemaking process or by prosecuting state bans when they conflict with federal laws, such as in the Texas dispute. 

In the Texas case, the Biden administration is arguing that a 1986 law known as EMTALA, which requires most hospitals to provide emergency care, applies to abortion even in states with bans — Texas disagrees. The state’s abortion ban has limited exceptions for patients who have a life-threatening condition or who are at risk of “substantial impairment of a major bodily function” but what constitutes substantial impairment is left undefined.

The Supreme Court’s decision to not hear an appeal at this juncture means that as the case continues, a lower court order will remain in place that says hospitals cannot be required to provide emergency abortions in cases when they might violate Texas’ ban. Legal experts told The 19th that the order could also affect cases in Louisiana and Mississippi, which are also under the jurisdiction of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Let me be clear: Donald Trump is the architect of this health care crisis,” Vice President Harris wrote on the social media site X shortly after the Supreme Court’s decision not to take the case. “I will never stop fighting for a woman’s right to emergency medical care — and to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade so that women in every state have access to the care they need.”

let's close with c.i.'s 'Iraq snapshot:'

Friday, October 11, 2024.  Barack Obama returns to the public square to serve up the hard truths.

Voting is under way in many places in the United States -- there is early voting, voting by mail and voting in person.  The final day to vote in the presidential election is November 5th and that is 24 days away.

Former US President Barack Obama: [T]here is absolutely no evidence that this man thinks about anything but himself.  I said it before.  Donald Trump is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago.  You get the Tweets in all caps, the ramblings and the ravings about crazy conspiracy theories.  You got the two hour speeches.  Word salad.  Just -- it's like Fidel Castro -- just on and on.  Constant attempts to sell you stuff.  Who does that?  Selling you gold sneakers and $100,000 watch and, most recently, a Trump BIBLE.  He wants you to buy the word of God Donald Trump edition -- got his name right there next to Matthew and Luke.  I mean, you could not make this stuff up.  If you saw it on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, you'd say, "Well nah, I mean that's going too far."  No, he's doing that. 

[Calls of "He's weird!"]

Barack Obama: It's crazy.  And the reason he does it is because all he cares about is his ego and his money and his status.  He's not thinking about you.  Donald Trump sees power as nothing more than means to an end. He wants the middle class to pay the price for another huge tax cut that would mostly help him and his country club buddies. Doesn't care if costs more women their reproductive freedom because it won't make a difference in his life 


Barack Obama: Do not boo.  Vote. They can't hear your boos but they can hear your votes.

Last night, in Pittsburgh, Barack took the stage in a front of a huge crowd -- the kind of crowd Donald Trump couldn't get in his best days back in 2016 and so much bigger than the smatterings that he attracts today.  Barack laid it on the line about what mattered.

And what mattered is you.

And me.

And all of us working for a better future and a better country.  

He spoke truth to power.  

ABC NEWS reports on a Pittsburgh meet up Barack has with Black males.  Barack explained,  "When you have a choice that's this clear, when you have somebody who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles and pain and joy that comes from those experiences -- who's had to work harder and do more and overcome -- and achieves the second highest office in the land and is putting forward concrete proposals to correctly address the things are vital in our neighborhoods and in our communities from housing to making sure our mothers and our fathers and our grandparents are going to be able to afford medicine and making sure that we are dealing with prices that are too high and rents that are too high and is committed to making sure that we maintain The Affordable Care Act so that everybody's got health insurance, that cares about education and entrepreneurship in our neighborhoods -- and that's on one side.  And on the other side, you have someone who has consistently shown disregard not just for the communities but for you as a person.  And you're thinking about sitting out? " 

Some polling indicates that some Black males are thinking of sitting out this election.  I'd argue that the remarks Barack made should also be directed at THE PROGRESSIVE, THE NATION, DEMOCRACY NOW!, IN THESE TIMES and other outlets.  In fact, let's note the both-sides nonsense THE NATION just did. 

"Democrat or Republican, the next presidency will still mean death for others in faraway places"

That garbage is from Ahmed Moor.  He's a Palestinian American and -- as his Tweet on the article makes even more clear, he's only referring to and concerned about Gaza. 

I knew there was a reason I wasn't familiar with his name.  

See, I've called out the destruction of Iraq, the decimation of its population which turned the country into a land of widows and orphans.  I've spoken out, I've written, I've marched.  And I'm generally familiar with at least the name of other Americans addressing it.

Not familiar with his name.  

Is he so young that he wasn't old enough to protest?  No.  He was in college in 2002.  Before the Iraq War began.  I see he had time to work on Wall Street after college.

I don't see any writing about Iraq.

So when Iraqi people died, it didn't matter to him. 

But when it's people in Gaza, suddenly, it's important.

He is all that is wrong with the left at present.  Not all of the left, but a small sliver -- a sliver with far too much say about what 'independent' media covers and what it doesn't.

Palestinians matter, the people of Iraq matter, the people of Lebanon matter, the people of Syria matter, go down the list.  

But when you can reduce the entire world's suffering to just one group of people?  Your purity test has left you not just a virgin but an idiot virgin.

Are we in this together or not?

Because together we can win.  But together means we work for all of us.  And that's not happening currently.  Again, Barack's remarks could be directed to 'independent' media.  Last night, Marcia noted:

Well thank God we can rely on Mother Jones, The Nation, The Progressive, In These times, et al to build excitement, right?

Nope.  As C.I. notes, they're actually depressing turnout if you go to Common Dreams  and read the comments left on their articles.  People saying they're not voting, that there's no point in voting.  

Isn't it strange and funny how when it's a Black woman running for president, these same outlets that honestly whored for Al Gore and Joe Lieberman in 2000, can't even note Kamala's good qualities and good programs?  And we're talking about the threat of Donald Trump getting back into the White House.  

But that doesn't matter to them.

So I don't matter.  Thanks for clearing that up.  Thank you, Nation, Mother Jones, The Progressive, In These Times, ZNet, etc, ect.  As a Black lesbian, I'm under threat three ways -- a woman, an LGBTQ+ member and an African-American.  

But The Nation and Common Dreams and Democracy Now! and all of them don't care about me at all.

I am so sick of it.  As a Black woman, I'm also damn tired of doing the Democratic Party's heavy lifting for them.

The refusal to stand by a Black woman after all the years that we have ensured the Democratic Party's election victories?

What a slap in the face. 

8 days ago Democracy Now! did coverage -- not a headline -- on the vice presidential debate.  That was their last segment on the presidential race.  Before that?  Four weeks ago, they did segments (with Kamala haters) on the presidential debate.  

Grasp that.  Grasp that there has been nothing on Kamala's housing plan.  There has been nothing on what she's proposing regarding home healthcare.

Grasp that.

They're doing everything that they can to elect Donald Trump.  Grasp that.

Black women do.  You can see it online, you can see it in YouTube videos, I heard when I was registering voters and I hear it now as I'm going to nursing homes to talk about Kamala.  And Mike is right, C.I. was not mistaken about the importance of doing this.  I wouldn't have gotten how important this is.  I asked C.I. how she knew.  That was the first place she ever spoke to in high school about a presidential election.  And she's right, it does make a difference. 

Jill Stein is not going to be president.  She is, however, doing her best to ensure that Donald Trump will become president.  Radio host, podcaster, author and activist Thom Hartmann writes:

Jill Stein doesn’t give, as the old saying goes, a flying f*ck about democracy. Instead, she’s all about how famous she can become and how much money she can grift off her repeated presidential campaigns. It’s a damn dangerous game.

Fresh off her 2016 political quacksalvery, in which she handed that year’s election to Donald Trump, this professional grifter — who’s been doing real damage to the Green Party for over a decade — is trying to get Trump back into the White House.

As her Wisconsin campaign manager, Pete Karas, told Politico:

“We need to teach Democrats a lesson.”

Arguably, Democrats have already learned that lesson.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost Wisconsin to Trump by 22,748 votes; Stein carried 31,072 votes. In Michigan the story was similar: Clinton lost to Trump by 10,704 votes while Stein carried 51,463. Ditto for Pennsylvania, where Trump won by 44,292 votes and Stein pulled in 49,941 votes.

Had Clinton carried those three states she would have become president.

The Green Party — that I safely voted for in 2000 when I lived in non-swing-state Vermont — deserves a candidate who’ll work to produce real change rather than simply run repeated vanity campaigns that cripple our admittedly flawed electoral system.

Those slim margins may be a distant memory, however, given how hard Stein is pounding on Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania Democrats against President Biden’s unfortunate support of Israel’s brutal bombing campaign in Gaza. As Newsweek reported last week:

“In Michigan, a battleground state where the Greens are campaigning hard, and which has a large Arab American community, 40 percent of Muslim voters backed Stein versus just 12 percent for Harris and 18 percent for Trump, according to a late August poll by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

“Michigan has more than 200,000 Muslim voters and 300,000 with Middle Eastern or North African ancestry. Biden won there in 2020 by 154,000 votes, while Trump carried the state with a victory margin of just 10,700—or 0.23 percent—in 2016.

“In Wisconsin, the CAIR poll showed Stein on 44 percent and Harris on 29 percent, while she also leads the Democrat candidate among Muslims voters in Arizona.”

I moderated the 2012 presidential debate between Stein and Libertarian Gary Johnson; she and Johnson both had the smell of cheap political hustlers to me then, a feeling that’s only been reinforced in the years since.

Stein certainly hasn’t done much to advance the stated goals of the Green Party. Back in the day, it was the Greens leading the charge against climate change and in favor of instant runoff voting, having considerable success with the latter.

David Cobb, a Texas environmental attorney, ran on the Green ticket in 2004 and was a regular on my radio program that year. He explicitly told people listening to my show in swing states to vote for John Kerry instead of him, calling it his “safe states” strategy.

He refused to campaign or even appear in battleground states, a statement of both high integrity and real patriotism.

Stein has neither. This is her third run for president (Howie Hawkins was the Green candidate in 2020 and was not on the ballot in most swing states.)

Instead, she’s bragging about how she’s going to hand the 2024 election to Donald Trump. Presumably she’ll be spared the imprisonment that Trump says he’s preparing for the rest of us in politics and the media. As Stein boasted to Newsweek:

“Third Way found that, based on polling averages in battleground states, the 2020 margin of victory for Democrats would be lost in four states — Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin — because of third party support.

“So they can’t win. There’s a fair amount of data now that suggests the Democrats have lost. Unless they give up their genocide.

“We’re doing outreach all the time to a lot of different groups, but it’s really been the Muslim Americans and Arab Americans who have really taken this campaign on like it’s theirs — like they have enormous ownership over this.”

Running for president and keeping an iron grip on the once-noble Green Party has become Stein’s singular mission. And she’s killing the Party — and its once-sterling reputation — in the process. As Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said:

“If you run for years in a row, and your party has not grown, has not added city council seats, down ballot seats and state electives, that’s bad leadership. And that to me is what’s upsetting.”

As Peter Rothpletz wrote for The New Republic in an article titled Jill Stein Is Killing the Green Party:

“As of July 2024, a mere 143 officeholders in the United States are affiliated with the Green Party. None of them are in statewide or federal offices. In fact, no Green Party candidate has ever won federal office. And Stein’s reign has been a period of indisputable decline, during which time the party’s membership—which peaked in 2004 at 319,000 registered members—has fallen to 234,000 today.”

Stein brought along a Fox “News” film crew when she crashed the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, cementing her reputation as a hustler who’ll hook up with anybody who’ll provide her with fame or fortune.

There are, apparently, no Democrats in America clean or pure or virginal enough for Stein; as Rothpletz reports, she even attacked Bernie Sanders for being a “DC insider” and “corrupted” by corporate money.

Meanwhile, her campaign, theoretically opposed to giant monopolies and defense contractors, has taken money from Google, Lockheed Martin, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and McKinsey.

Jill Stein has never delivered anything to the American people but empty words.  She shows up every four years to deliver empty words and then vanishes.  Spending that money she raised for recounts in 2016 apparently -- she never did, as she said she would, donate it to charity.  

It's a good little grift.  And she goes around attacking Kamala Harris.  While defending and apologizing for Putin.  At ZETEO, Mehdi has posted his full interview with Jill Stein.  Previously, clips had gone viral but the full interview was only available to ZETEO subscribers.

In the past, some have argued that the point of voting for a Jill Stein is so that the Greens can hit a certain percent and have ballot access.


I've made the argument before for that.  And I do understand the argument and I could endorse it before.

I cannot now.


The 2016 vote gave them access in 20 states.  That's on the ballot, that's not needing petitions or write-ins or anything. 

20 states.

And yet, per their own website, this year, they have four candidates for Congress.  Four people running for the House and the Senate.  The House has 435 members, the Senate has 100. 

And with their automatic ballot access, they can only offer four candidates?

No, I don't buy the nonsense that a vote for Jill helps the Green Party.

Nor do I buy the argument that we burn the playhouse down and rebuild something better.

That's a theoretical in good times.  We're not in good times.  The notion of sinking this election and something better will emerge from the disgust?

Who believes that?

Oh, I know!

People who take pictures of their children's genitals and are stupid enough to then try to have them developed at a drug store and they are called -- because they're a big name that everyone reading this would know -- and told to come pick them up and told that, by law, the drug store is actually supposed to call the cops but since this person is a big, big, big star, they'll do a favor for them this time and just pretend they never saw the kiddie porn that the parent took of their own child.

I've teased this one before.  Certain people better get their act together real damn quick because when I burn the playhouse down, I burn it down.  And I have no problem naming this one person we've been teasing out for some time.

But while I'll burn the fake asses' playhouse down, I'm not stupid enough to think we destroy our way of life -- and the way of life for so many Americans -- by voting for Trump or sitting it out because wah-wah Kamala doesn't say everything on Gaza that we want.  Wah!  Wah! Wah!

Aurora DeStefano (2 PARAGRAPHS) reports:

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has a habit of referring to the grand dame of traditional news media (or mainstream or legacy media), The New York Times, as the “failing New York Times.”

It’s the same phrase he uses to describe the country he hopes to lead, frequently saying “we are a failing nation.”

But both entities — The New York Times and U.S. citizens — are helping Trump more than he deserves, according to critics. In the case of the Times and other so-called liberal media outlets, they say, Trump is extended the benefit of a pernicious both-sides-ism that consistently creates false equivalencies between Trump and his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris.

Media critics have long criticized the Times for its Trump coverage, but two adjacent headlines this week serve to encapsulate the kind of coverage each candidate receives and, critics says, shows the media bending over backwards to make Trump’s latent racism palatable while questioning Harris’s veracity.

The journalistic malpractice is so stark that the headlines “should be studied in journalism classes for decades,” according to anti-Trump pundit and author Stuart Stevens, a Republican in exile during the MAGA insurgency.

Stevens writes, incredulous, that the “Trump headline could apply to an article about a Nobel prize winner in genetic studies.”

This alleged false equivalence in coverage is occurring against the backdrop of a Trump-launched storm of disinformation about FEMA and the federal government’s response to Hurricane Helene.

These Trump hurricane lies are so patently untrue that four Republican governors in Southern states refuted them, meaning even a cadre of Trump loyalists publicly rejected the former President’s fabrications.

On active X user called ScaryLawyerGuy, an unrelenting critic of the differing levels of accountability demanded from the two candidates, wrote:

“The New York Times thinks Trump is better for its business model, the (literal) fortunes of multiple people on their politics desk depend on him winning and they will sane wash his Hitlerian views on eugenics if it helps him win.”

Back in May, after Times editor Joe Kahn defended his paper’s coverage of what was then the Trump-Biden race, an article in The New Republic asked:

“When one of the candidates is running on an express vow to wreck the political and legal systems themselves, do typical conventions of political reporting-ones geared around presenting both sides as equivalently conventional political actors fighting on an even civic playing field-really get the job done in communicating what that means?”

Greg Sargent, TNR

TNR also credits the Times for producing “indispensable journalism about Donald Trump's authoritarian designs for a second term” exposing “Trump's schemes to unleash the Justice Department on political enemies, to gut the bureaucracy and stock it with loyalists, to functionally wreck our intelligence agencies.”

But it's not just THE NEW YORK TIMES -- it's 'independent' media as well.  They are depressing and suppressing turnout and there's no excuse for that.

This is nonsense.  People will be harmed and, look at the areas effected by climate change right now, people are being harmed.  And they're harmed further by liars who tell them hurricanes are from cloud seeding and other b.s.  No, the weather is the effect of climate change.  And when the future looks so potentially stark, I don't know how you waste your vote or your voice or your platform by acting as though Donald and Kamala are the same.  They are not.  

One person can lead us forward over the next four years.  It might mean work on our part, getting off our lazy asses and marching and making demands of our elected officials.  But we already know Donald Trump won't respond to pressure.  We already know he'll just come up with a new lie to tell the world and himself while most likely either trying to imprison us or sick the national guard on us.  The choices are not vague or in doubt.  Donald is not an unknown.  We have seen the damage he can do and he tells us every day the damage that he wants to do.

Charlotte Alter (TIME) writes:

On a sunny Wednesday in late September, Vice President Kamala Harris took the stage at Carnegie Mellon University for the first comprehensive economic-policy speech of her short presidential campaign.

Addressing a sedate audience in suits and ties, the Vice President outlined plans to strengthen small businesses, cut taxes on the middle class, and build more affordable housing. "I am a capitalist," she told the Pittsburgh crowd, detailing how she would invest in startups and increase public-private partnerships, and describing an approach to economic growth that stressed stability.

It was a business-friendly speech tailored to business-­friendly voters. But in a neck-and-neck presidential race, wonky pitches like these could make the difference. In a September New York Times/Siena poll, nearly 30% of likely voters said they felt they needed to learn more about the Vice President before making their choice. The fight to define Kamala Harris—who she is, what she stands for, and what kind of President she would be—will be one of the central battles of the campaign’s final weeks.

To examine these questions, TIME spoke with 20 current and former Harris campaign advisers, former aides in her vice presidential and Senate offices, senior officials from each of the past five presidential administrations, and a range of policy experts. The portrait that emerged was of a politician who is more practical than ideological—a cautious candidate running in a change election, juggling the liabilities and benefits of her ties to her boss, President Joe Biden, as well as her own past positions, all while trying to keep the focus on her opponent. For Harris, policy specifics are in service to the larger goal of her campaign, which is to present a credible alternative to a second Donald Trump presidency.

At Carnegie Mellon, Harris offered the most detailed look at her economic plans since taking over as the Democratic nominee. She’s proposing a $50,000 tax deduction to help Americans start more small businesses, and a $6,000 Child Tax Credit for families in the first year of a baby’s life. She plans to extend $35 insulin to all Americans and eliminate degree requirements for 500,000 federal jobs. She wants to invest in research and development in new manufacturing industries, and trim red tape to further the Biden Administration’s overhaul of America’s infrastructure. Perhaps more than any other presidential candidate in recent memory, Harris has focused on solving America’s housing crisis. She plans to offer $25,000 in down-payment assistance to first-time home buyers, a tax credit to incentivize builders, and pledges to build 3 million affordable housing units in her first term.

The following sites updated:



glenn greenwald is such a liar

some times i forget what a liar and fake glenn greenwald is.

i was reading an article by lee moran ('huffington post'):

MSNBC’s Ari Melber on Wednesday asked CNN’s Chris Wallace to comment on the criticism that was leveled at him by his then-Fox News colleague Tucker Carlson in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

Carlson in a private message that became public accused Wallace of wrecking the conservative network’s audience because of his refusal to peddle election falsehoods which were being parroted by its other personalities. 

Wallace replied to Melber, “Well, I’m employed and Tucker really isn’t anymore.”

“So, that’s part of my response,” Wallace added, recalling his own “very good 18-year run” at Fox where he “asked tough questions” and “booked the toughest guests” regardless of political persuasion.

i don't watch tucker.  he's trash and that was established long before this 21st century started.  

so i forgot things about tucker.  but, yeah, he did put out lies and he admitted he knew they were lies in his communications.

and that got exposed but did you ever his roll dog glynneth call him out? 


not once.

and glenn was never bothered by the fact that tucker lied to all of his viewers.  glenn was happy to play footsie with tucker.

remember that the next that little bitch tries to hop his high horse and pretend like he has standards.  he has none.  never has.  garbage glenn. 

let's close with c.i.'s 'Iraq snapshot:'

Thursday, October 10, 2024.  Oh look, MOTHER JONES has found a new pet rock or mood ring, COMMON DREAMS might need to read the comments on their articles, and much more.

It's amazing to watch this election cycle. Robert Kennedy Jr. thinking he can deny attempted rape accusations -- as though William Kennedy Smith never happened?  Thinking he can be accused of assaulting the baby sitter and still go around to the press and get away with insisting he never said he was a choirboy?  Maybe even more amazing would be that media outlets would speak to him after that or his denial of the known affair with the reporter -- the one that got her fired but he can go on TV and just insists he never speaks about his personal life.  

It's really something to see.  

There's freak show Jill Stein.  Let's zoom in on the Green Party v.p. slot.  No, not Butch Ware, but the v.p. she wanted to start with:  Abdullah Hammoud.  She had to move back from that choice and she finally selected Butch Ware.

But for awhile she wanted Abdullah Hammoud.  And he was a rising star for some unknown reason.  The right-wing doesn't really like him.  Some elements of the left have promoted him.  And, golly gosh, MOTHER JONES is now.

And the real reason is why?

He's anti-genocide?

So am I.  So are most people.  There's not really a big pro genocide group in the US.  That's why so many refuse to apply the term genocide to what's taking place in Gaza.  But that is genocide.  And the genocide has flared and increased as it does every now and then -- but even in what passes for 'peace' has been a genocide against the Palestinian people.

The problem with Abdullah for Jill was first off that he was too young to be her running mate -- had she won (I know, I know, stop laughing, we're just making a point) and been sworn in January 20th then died in her sleep the night of, Abdullah would have been too young to be president.  He's the Mayor of Dearborn but he's too young to be the president of the United States.

So that was the main problem but what finally had Jill relinquish her fantasy were two Green Party big wigs who pointed out to her that Abdullah was the Mayor of Dearborn.

And if you've read the fawning coverage over him, you might just be nodding blankly like Jill did.

But what Green Party thinkers understood -- and finally got through Jill's thick head -- was that the Green Party could not build a future with Abdullah because he is Mayor of Dearborn.

Dearborn is where many Muslims joined the hate brigade with the fright wing.  It is very anti-LGBTQ+ at this time.  That coincides with Abdullah's term as Mayor.  Like all Democrats representing that area in any form, he was called out by a number of Muslims who felt he was pro-gay because he was a Democrat.

Is he?

As Mayor he hasn't helped the LGBTQ+ population.  

Common sense would dictate that when you do a lengthy interview with him, you get him on the record.

But no one does and MOTHER JONES didn't.

I'm not promoting homophobes.  I'm not promoting politicians who betray Americans.  

MOTHER JONES seems to be okay with it.

They and others create this myth of Abdullah.  And I'm not a myth maker.  

Tim Walz did awful in the debate and I said so. 

The open prejudice and hatred that LGBTQ+ people face now since Abdullah became mayor is not something that you overlook.  

And it's amazing how much attention he's gotten from left media for his attacks on Joe Biden and now on Kamala Harris with no one wanting to put him on the record about the hate in Dearborn that has only increased in the last two years, at the efforts to ban books, to strip away rights.


Abdullah's the new Rocky Anderson and if you're asking "Who?" -- exactly.  THE NATION and others spent forever trying to make Rocky happen.  He never did.  He became famous for being a mayor in leftist circles and then he never delivered on anything.

Kamala Harris has done an amazing job.  Unlike others in the 2024 election cycle, she hasn't had a year or more to build a campaign.  She had to hit the ground running   She'd done and is doing an incredible job.

And that bears stating since this is a left site and I am a leftist. 

I thought THE NATION was left and THE PROGRESSIVE and MOTHER JONES and go down the list.  But I see all these attacks on her.  And we're 25 days away from the end of the election -- voting's already taking place, November 5th will be the final day of voting -- and they're running garbage articles?  They're attacking her.  

She's not doing this and she's not doing that!

I've never in my life seen the left media pile on a Democratic Party presidential candidate like this.  It's appalling.  

But fortunately, she doesn't have to depend upon them.  

COMMON DREAMS has been a problem. They're now noting her healthcare proposals -- Brett Wilkins reports:

  Independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont—a longtime universal healthcare advocate—on Wednesday hailed aw proposal by Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris to expand Medicare to cover in-home care for seniors as well as dental and vision for the first time ever.

As Common Dreamsreported Tuesday, labor unions and consumer advocates applauded Harris' plan—unveiled on the ABC talk show "The View"—to expand Medicare coverage in order to better serve what the Democratic nominee called the "sandwich generation" of middle-aged Americans who are simultaneously providing for their children and aging parents.

Responding to the proposal, Sanders said, "Congratulations to Vice President Harris for announcing a bold vision to expand Medicare to cover not only home healthcare, but also vision and hearing."

The senator continued:

It is no secret that we have a major crisis in home healthcare. Millions of seniors would prefer, when possible, to receive care in their homes rather than be forced into nursing homes. Kamala's plan is a major step forward not only in improving the quality of life for seniors and their families, but also in saving the healthcare system large sums of money.

Further, her plan to expand Medicare to cover the cost of vision and hearing is enormously important. In the wealthiest country on Earth, millions of lower-income seniors today are unable to afford the hearing aids and eyeglasses they desperately need. That is not acceptable. Every senior in America should be able to access these basic healthcare needs.

"Thank you, Kamala," added Sanders, who has been campaigning for Harris across the country and plans to visit the Midwest this week.

Sanders' remarks echoed those of progressive healthcare advocates, with Social Security Works executive director Alex Lawson on Tuesday calling Harris' plan "life-changing for seniors, people with disabilities, and those who love them."

"Currently, seniors and people with disabilities who need care that family can't provide are too often warehoused in dehumanizing nursing homes," Lawson continued. "Often, these nursing homes are owned by private equity corporations who are exploiting patients for profit. Under the Harris plan, seniors and disabled people would have the freedom to stay in their own homes."

"This is a universal benefit," Lawson added. "Everyone on Medicare would qualify. This is a win for everyone in America—except the billionaires."

Harris' campaign and supporters contrasted the Democratic nominee's plan with the White House record of the Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump, and sounded the alarm on the dangers he poses to Medicare and Social Security.

"Trump tried to cut Medicare and will cut the program as president," the Harris campaign said Tuesday.

Some critics also warned how Project 2025—the far-right initiative to expand U.S. presidential power and purge the federal civil service—poses a dire threat to seniors' public health by making private, for-profit Medicare Advantage plans the default option for all Medicare enrollees.

Harris' campaign added: "Trump spent a long career exploiting seniors, mocking disabled Americans, trying to take away seniors' hard-earned benefits, and supporting others who harm them. As president, Trump tried to destroy the Affordable Care Act and to cut Medicare and plans to do it again." 

Julia Conley reported on it for COMMON DREAMS as well -- see yesterday's snapshot where we noted that.

Donald Trump is not an unknown.

We know he's a threat.  This isn't, "I suspect" or "I predict" or "I feel" -- no.  We saw what he did in the White House and we saw what he did when it was time to leave the White House.  We know exactly what he is.  We hear his racists statements day after day.  We hear his threats against the press, his threats against immigrants, his threats against political rivals.  It never ends -- just like the drama in the four years he was in the White House.

We know he's harmful.  We know we can't afford him appointing another corrupt Supreme Court justice.  

He's a known quantity.  Stealing from Ruth's "Even Russia corrects Trump's lie:"

This election is the moment of truth. In The Atlantic’s final cover story ahead of the election, staff writer Tom Nichols lays out why “the votes cast in November will be more consequential than those in any other American election in more than a century”—because every essential norm and duty that George Washington established for the U.S. presidency could come to an end if Donald Trump is reelected. Trump is “Washington’s Nightmare”—the tyrant the first president feared, and one more capable now of finishing the authoritarian project he began in his first term.

Among Washington’s countless accomplishments and heroic actions, Nichols also focuses on what Washington would not do: “As a military officer, Washington refused to take part in a plot to overthrow Congress. As a victorious general, he refused to remain in command after the war had ended. As president, he refused to hold on to an office that he did not believe belonged to him. His insistence on the rule of law and his willingness to return power to its rightful owners—the people of the United States—are among his most enduring gifts to the nation and to democratic civilization.” The 44 men who succeeded him in office adhered to Washington’s example and those norms—all except Trump.

Nichols writes: “Trump and his authoritarian political movement represent an existential threat to every ideal that Washington cherished and encouraged in his new nation. They are the incarnation of Washington’s misgivings about populism, partisanship, and the ‘spirit of revenge’ that Washington lamented as the animating force of party politics. Washington feared that, amid constant political warfare, some citizens would come to ‘seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual,’ and that eventually a demagogue would exploit that sentiment.”

Nichols writes that America stands at such a moment with this election: “Trump has left no doubt about his intentions; he practically shouts them every chance he gets.” He continues, “As we judge the candidates, we should give thought to Washington’s example, and to three of Washington’s most important qualities and the traditions they represent: his refusal to use great power for his own ends, his extraordinary self-command, and, most of all, his understanding that national leaders in a democracy are only temporary stewards of a cause far greater than themselves.”

I don't understand how these periodicals -- which please remember, depend on your money to survive -- can't get on board the Kamala train.  That's the only means of transportation to a proud future for this country.

There's no one else.  

And at this late date, with voting already going on, the so-called left press is publishing one article after another attacking her.

Are they even reading comments their readers leave?  The think that saddens me the most about COMMON DREAMS' articles?  The number of people commenting who say that they will not be voting.

Your vote is your vote, vote or don't.  I've always said that.  But I really don't think COMMON DREAMS started online with the notion that when democracy was at stake, they would be producing content that discouraged their readers from voting.

That's what they've done and they're not the only ones.  Again, last few days, they've done some coverage and hopefully they'll pick that up.  But we're voting over the next few days and so many periodicals and online sites are actually suppressing the vote, not encouraging it.  

Okay, James Carville.

James Carville is a bean counter and that's all he's ever been and ever will be.

He's not a fighter.  He wants the easiest path and that's why he's not a player when it comes to campaigns anymore.

He's insisting, if you missed it, that Kamala needs to not talk about January 6th.  

He gave a lot of that bad advice to Bill Clinton as well.  Betsy Wright was the unsung hero of that campaign and Bill trusted her more than Carville and rejected some of Carville's nonsense when Betsy would nix it.

January 6th is not the distant past.  

There's Jack Straw's filing last week, for example, more importantly though, the person who created that insurrection is on the ticket and America can't afford not addressing this right now.

James is an idiot who becomes ever more stupid with each passing year.

And he's amplified by the corporate press.

And they are not perfect -- that's an answer to an outlet on the left who e-mailed to say I'm not slamming them.  They make huge mistakes.

The liars are all around us.  Politicians who regularly lie and deceive because that's what they do.  And it's not just the MAGA clowns,  It's also the nonsense Greens.  The Green Party wrote out their political suicide note this summer when they made Jill Stein their presidential nominee for the third term despite the fact that no one likes her and that she left the party in debt and that White Karen that she is, she lied to Cornel West and when he realized what she truly was and called her out, she started lying about him.  That's all Jill has to offer, endless losing campaigns and racist trashing of Cornel West.  In the latest round of How Stupid Does That Hag Think We ARE?, NEWSWEEK reports, "Jill Stein, the Green Party's presidential candidate, said that her party 'would be very interested in allowing majority rule to take place.' Stein said that we need a change in the Filibuster rules."  And, Jill FrankenStein, how does that happen? 

When your party -- per its own website -- is only running four people for Congress, how does that happen?

There are one hundred members of the US Senate and 435 of the House Of Representatives.  If the Green Party saw all four nominees elected to office, that still wouldn't been enough to take on this issue.  She's a liar and a loon who deliberately misleads people.  The next time she makes a claim about what she's doing as president, it's imperative that the press note the Green Party is only running four candidates for the US Congress per their own website.  It should also probably be noted that based on the polling, not one of the four stands a chance in hell of winning office. 

She's a liar who has made clear she's only running to elect Donald Trump.  

Hagatha needs to go away now.

And the media needs to find a way to report accurately if they're going to report on her.

The following sites updated: