so it turns out harriet miers is anti-choice.
simply shocked!
who would have known?
who could have known?
anyone not in a coma.
isn't it about time harry reid started finding something to say other than, 'you go, girl!' everytime harriet miers comes around?
he does realize that he's a democrat, doesn't he?
he does realize that it is his job to oppose anti-choice nominees, doesn't he?
of did the fact that the party made a huge mistake and picked an anti-choice democrat as a leader translate to him as 'screw reproductive rights, they want me for my anti-choice stance?"
it's sickening.
bendy buddy harry reid is no democrat's buddy if he can't find his spine. the drawing is by isaiah. one of his the world today just nuts comics.
hope everybody checked out beth's column at the common ills last night.
the common ills
harry reid
the world today just nuts