the cartoon is from isaiah's "celibacy in the city" (the world today just nuts) and i'll get to harriet miers in a minute.
but first, i was on the phone with mike this evening and we'll both end up getting a late start. but c.i. gave a heads up to the interview mike did with wally. last night, i was on the phone with kat and we were both checking and checking for it. i'm glad i finally gave up because it didn't go up until late this morning.
it's up now and it's wonderful. i had to call mike to tell him congrats because it is a really strong interview with humor and a lot more. wally is someone i got to know when he praised my site at the common ills and then started e-mailing me. he's funny and he's deep and he's only 19. he can veer into silliness 1 moment and then make the wisest comment in the world the next. i hope he never loses either quality.
i knew he lost his father because that came up during an e-mail exchange early on but i did not know it was when he was 8 years old or how. c.i. will ask those questions and always tries to encourage me to do the same. (c.i.'s been encouraging me to do the same for years.) but i just go tongue tied on those things.
am i prying? am i bringing up an unpleasant memory? will i say something that i mean to sound helpful but will end up sounding hurtful?
so i don't usually ask questions regarding death and illness and wait for someone to share their feelings instead. that's not a good way to handle it.
but if you want to know wally's story, read the interview mike did. warning, it may make you cry. i was crying so hard by the time wally was talking about the nurses, that i had to take a minute before continuing to read. there are things you read that touch you and you carry them with you and mike's interview with wally is 1 of those things.
so please make time to read it.
and don't forget to check out wally's site, the daily jot.
sherry likes it a lot and the interview as well, as she noted in her latest e-mail. but she does not like the idea that some strangers thought they could write to c.i. and try to get my phone number.
sherry says if that happened to her, if some guy she'd never met or seen, was contacting her friends for her phone number, she'd be worried. i agree that it crosses a line.
the guy's defense would be, 'well i wrote and she didn't write back.' because i was on vacation and if the guy really read my site like he claimed, he would have known that. instead he's off to c.i. with another e-mail, like centrist ed's, where i'm spoken of in the 3rd person.
sherry asked if that was the only thing pissing me off these days? no.
i'm pretty pissed about the nonsense that harriet miers is supposedly being criticized in a sexist manner. now i don't watch fox news, i don't read a right wing magazine or columnist.
so maybe i'm missing it. but i know timid democrats and i know when someone starts saying 'sexism' then spineless ones get afraid to speak out.
criticizing harriet miers as unqualified is not sexism. she is unqualified.
but ever since diane finestein goes on the chat and chews and says 'sexism' all the sudden people can't criticize. i called 1 of my reps today and the assistant says 'well he feels that miers isn't the right person either but needs to say that carefully.'
biggest bunch of crap i ever heard.
miers isn't qualified. she'll never be qualified. not because she's a woman and with 2 women on the court right now, i don't know any 1 who'd be stupid enough to make the lame argument that women can't be judges.
she's not qualified because she's never done a damn thing with her law degree but suck up. she sucked up to bully boy, she sucked up to corporations. she's not very smart and that has nothing to do with being a woman, she's not very smart because she's stupid and doesn't care that she is stupid.
is she a lesbian? i got an e-mail asking about that. i don't know, i don't care. we've already got 1 life long bachelor on the court so having 2 wouldn't be earth shattering.
but pointing out that the press nonsense about her and that male judge supposedly being romantic is a bunch of crap isn't homophobia. she's had over 40 years as an adult to have a relationship if she wanted. she didn't want it. and like isaiah pointed out in the wonderful celibacy in the city, those right wing christians who preach no sex before marriage have to live with what they preach.
so she may be a lesbian, she may be a virgin, she may be a hyporcrite who tells every 1 else not to have sex while getting it herself.
she needs to be scrutinized. john roberts should be scrutinized.
in case anyone missed isaiah's the world today cartoons on john roberts, you'll see the charlie brown stripe across his chest even when he's shirtless. why? because the point isaiah was making in those cartoons was every 1 was acting like he was good old charlie brown and not pressing him for answers.
that includes diane feinnstein who embarrassed herself during his confirmation hearings.
so i'm not in the damn mood to hear diane feinstein talk about sexism. my attitude there is 'go see how much your husband made off the war today, diane.'
she was useless during the confirmation hearings.
i think most of the dems on the committee were. i think ted kennedy distinguished himself. i don't see much else to be impressed with.
and they better get off their lazy asses this time.
with clarence thomas he himself had to make the claim that he was being lynched. with harriet miers, all it took was laura bush to whine 'sexism' and suddenly fools like diane feinstein (and she's not the only fool) are rushing in and saying 'sexism.'
the only sexism involved is thinking she's above criticism because she's a woman.
she's not above criticism.
and she doesn't deserve to sit on the bench.
she's unable to answer a straight question. she is a cronie. she has no history.
she's not qualified.
tomorrow, i intend to start letting it rip on harriet miers. i will knock anything and everything about her. that includes her hair style which looks like someone who couldn't get hired at super cuts cut it.
how come?
because she's not qualified.
and i won't hold my tongue or watch my words.
we just put 1 enemy of roe on the court.
i will use any critique to prevent the 2nd 1 from making it.
i will mock her. i will insult her.
and if diane or any other woman wants to have a problem with that, i say screw you all. i say diane sat on her war mongering ass during roberts confirmation. i say she needs the heat turned on. and if some 1 doesn't like it, too damn bad.
it's not sexism.
but watch miers hide behind that the same way clarence thomas hid behind the charge of racism.
people need to grow the hell up. roe is too damn important and must be preserved.
harriet miers
the world today just nuts
the common ills
mikey likes it
the daily jot