
Note from Betty (with quote from Rebecca)

Betty here. Not saying much tonight. This is Rebecca's site. Sunny called wondering what she was supposed to write about? I hadn't thought of it and planned to share what I thought about today's events. But she got me to thinking that I am filling in so I told her to hold on and I'd call back. I called Recca and told her what was going on.

Direct quote: "What the fuck!" She told Elaine and she asked me to pass on to Sunny not to worry about blogging. She'll be getting back late tommorrow and she'll deal with it tomorrow night. (Sunny said, "Thank God.")

I don't know if Cedric knows about it but I know when he finds out his attitude's going to be, "I saw it coming." He did too. Rebecca told me to write what I wanted about it but I'm thinking about C.I. and how this is one more piece of dog poop that C.I.'s going to have to clean up so I'm not going to say anything.

I don't want to do anything that's going to make C.I. feel boxed in. I've read several e-mails from community members and I know people are really intense about this so I don't want to add to that. There was one e-mail I'll note but not name that said it was wrong for a mass e-mail to urge us to visit a site but if C.I. continued to promote that show, C.I. was promoting that site the show promoted.

Members hate that site. (I don't care for it because Black people really aren't it's audience and that's always been real clear.) They might as well have put: "Click here and donate to the Jeb Bush campaign for president" in their mass e-mail because that might actually have made a few people laugh. This just ticked off everyone.

So I won't be blogging tomorrow night and Rebecca's going to try to blog. She said she also intendes to do some "house keeping" (which would probably mean her blogroll).