
get your asses over to the common ills and 3rd estate for ohio election news

get your asses over to the common ills and 3rd estate sunday review for ohio news.

we just finished working on the editorial (c.i. and i assisted) and usually that means a few minutes of chatter. i said 'no time to talk, i'm hanging up because we have to make sure people know that something is happening in ohio tomorrow.'


a congressional committee is holding a hearing and among those supposed to testify are kenneth blackwell (boo, hiss) and the wonderful congress woman stephanie tubbs-jones (the crowd goes wild with cheering and applause).

the issue?

the 2004 vote.

why might you care?

well maybe you'd like to attend if you're in the area.

or maybe you'd like to know about something that the mainstream media hasn't given you a heads up to. (the beacon journal out of ohio ran an associated press item on it last wednesday.)

or maybe you want to know so you can pick up your tuesday paper or watch your monday evening news to see if the mainstream media does or does not cover it.

this is news, people.

so get on over to the common ills and the 3rd estate and make sure you get the word out.

i'll be posting later today but right now i intend to crawl into bed. sadly, i'll be crawling into an empty bed but as tired as i am that might just be for the best. christian parenti awaits me in my dreams at least.